Naperville: Public Invited to Open House to Discuss Potential Road Improvements
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NAPERVILLE, Ill. ~ Naperville, Illinois - The City of Naperville is inviting members of the community to attend an open house to learn about the City's Road Improvement Plan and share their thoughts and ideas on improving the city's roadways. The plan, which identifies current roadway issues and recommends future investments to improve traffic flow, is being updated by the Transportation, Engineering and Development (TED) Department in collaboration with engineering and design consultant Kimley-Horn.

This update aligns with Naperville's strategic goals as outlined in the Naperville 2027: Investing in Our Community Priorities Plan, specifically under the Mobility focus area. The goal of this focus area is to improve community mobility, which includes updating the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan in 2025-2026.

The open house will take place on Tuesday, January 28 from 4 to 8 p.m. at Meeting Room B of the Naperville Municipal Center located at 400 S. Eagle St. Representatives from Kimley-Horn and TED will be present to share details about the planning process, provide an overview of the city's roadway network, and discuss considerations for future improvements. Attendees are encouraged to share their experiences with traffic delays, poor traffic conditions, or any other traffic-related concerns.

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For those unable to attend in person, written comments can be submitted using an interactive ArcGIS map called PublicCoordinate. This map displays the city's roadways and allows for direct commenting on specific roads or intersections. A link to this tool will be added to the Road Improvement Plan webpage on the day of the open house along with instructions on how to use it. Comments can also be emailed directly to TED Engineering Manager Andy Hynes at until Friday, February 14 at 5 p.m.

According to Andy Hynes, TED Engineering Manager, while Naperville's road network is well-established, traffic volumes are expected to continue to increase through 2050. Re-evaluating the Road Improvement Plan is the first step in implementing the city's mobility plan goal. Hynes states, "As part of this process, the City is seeking the public's input to identify locations for future intersection and corridor improvements that will help meet long-term traffic flow needs."

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Public input will be taken into consideration throughout the planning process and will influence recommendations for roadway improvements. Preliminary recommendations will be discussed at a future Transportation Advisory Board meeting and the final Road Improvement Plan update is expected to be completed by summer 2025.

For more information on the Road Improvement Plan and to stay updated on its progress, visit To learn more about the City of Naperville, visit Residents can also sign up to receive email updates on city projects and initiatives at

Filed Under: Government, City

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